
Tuesday, 22 January 2013

A noble character is earned by individual effort through the merits and grace of Christ.

A noble all-round character is not inherited. It does not come to us by
accident. A noble character is earned by individual effort through the
merits and grace of Christ. God gives the talents, the powers of the
mind; we form the character. It is formed by hard, stern battles with
self. Conflict after conflict must be waged against hereditary
tendencies. We shall have to criticize ourselves closely, and allow not
one unfavorable trait to remain uncorrected.

By the life we live through the grace of Christ the character is formed.
The original loveliness begins to be restored to the soul. The
attributes of the character of Christ are imparted, and the image of the
Divine begins to shine forth. The faces of men and women who walk and
work with God express the peace of heaven. They are surrounded with the
atmosphere of heaven. For these souls the kingdom of God has begun.
They have Christ's joy, the joy of being a blessing to humanity. They
have the honor of being accepted for the Master's use; they are trusted
to do His work in His name.

-- God's Amazing Grace, page 112

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