
Friday 24 January 2014

Long days = happy days

The Bible says, "Honor thy father and thy mother." And it implies that you can't be happy unless you do, for the commandment says, "that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee." Long days = happy days. Now don't get discouraged if you are an orphan and have never known your parents, or even if you have had an emotional upheaval with your parents in some way. The commandment expresses a principle, and it's not too late to learn how to obey that commandment truly, and you can become happy in its obedience.
But who is your "father"? His name is Jacob, yes, the grandson of Abraham. His life, his experience, is yours. And in a special way, Jacob is the "father" of those who will prepare to meet Jesus at His second coming--people who were born sinners, people who have sinned, who have often failed, have wrestled with unbelief, have struggled to understand why they have so many troubles, have been tempted to give up in despair, and yet who have chosen to hang on by faith until they experience the victory that changed their name from Jacob to Israel, the prince who has prevailed with God, who has won a wrestling match with Christ!
Read the seven great steps in Jacob's experience in Genesis 25 to 42. And learn with your "father" how to believe.

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