
Tuesday 9 July 2013

Two thousand years ago God's people were expecting their long-awaited Messiah to appear.

Two thousand years ago God's people were expecting their long-awaited Messiah to appear. But when He came as a Baby in Bethlehem, they did not recognize Him, and the leaders of the true church of that day led the people to murder Him.
Now God's people are expecting a great blessing to come from heaven, that is, the long-promised "latter rain," the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that will "lighten the earth with glory" (Rev. 18:1-4). It will be a message that will prepare God's people for the second coming of Jesus.
Not everyone on earth will be converted for many will reject the message, as many rejected Jesus long ago; but the message will seek out honest hearts everywhere who will respond. The Lord will be honored. Some will come from places that will seem unlikely to those who have been in the way a long time; the message of the "everlasting gospel" will be presented so clearly and powerfully that Christ will be uplifted as the crucified Son of God. He not only died for the world in a vague corporate sense but He also died for each individual soul. And each who permits his heart to be moved by the "love of Christ [that] constrains us" (2 Cor. 5:14, 15) will be sanctified by the message that will be finally full-blown.
The watching universe will be amazed at the transformations that the pure, true gospel will accomplish, as Paul said, "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes" (Rom. 1:16). But Satan's cleverness has confused "the truth of the gospel" even as "certain men [who] came from James" (the early leader of the church in Paul's day) confused even Peter and Barnabas (Gal. 2:6, 12-14). The story of that stumbling on the part of the early leaders of the church is not well known (cf. Gal. 2:1-13). Paul was right! And his Book of Romans is "the clearest gospel of all."
This often neglected story of human fallibility encourages us to study "the truth of the gospel" (vss. 5, 14) directly for ourselves. Even in modern times, sincere, converted leaders can err and can mislead people, even the "faithful" such as Barnabas long ago. There is no prayer that Heaven is more eager to answer than the prayer of an honest heart who wants to understand truth! The Lord would rather empty heaven of angels, sending them all down here to help one soul, rather than allow that soul to become misled.

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